2024 Vintage Decoy Display: Ontario Hooded Mergansers
- Photo of the 2024 display of vintage Ontario hooded merganser decoys. A document showing more photos of the display, photos and text used in the display, and close-up photos of the decoys exhibited, can be opened by clicking on the colored link to the right of the header at the top of this box.
2024 TIDCA Contest
- Vintage decoy acquired in 2023 or 2024 (i.e., a new decoy in your collection).
- Vintage mallard decoy.
- Four vintage goldeneyes by four different makers (just one decoy per maker).
- Photos from the 2024 TIDCA vintage decoy contest. First row L-to-R the first two photos shown the 10 entries (40 decoys total) in the “four vintage goldeneyes by four different makers” category; the third photo shows the first, second and third place goldeneye groups in that category; and the fourth photos shows the three judges (Larry Lunman, Joe Engers, and Mike Martin). Second row L-to-R shows the 12 entries (15 decoys) in the “vintage mallard” category, the winners in the mallard category, 12 entries (15 decoys) in the “vintage decoy acquired in 2023 or 2024 (i.e., newly acquired)” category, and the three winners in the newly acquired category.
2023 TIDCA Display: Vintage Thousand Islands broadbill decoys
- Photo of the 2023 display of vintage broadbill/bluebill decoys from the Thousand Islands. A document showing the text used in the display and photos of the decoys exhibited can be opened by clicking on the link to the left of the header at the top of this box.
2023 TIDCA Contest
- Vintage factory decoy: pre-1975; any factory, style, or species.
- Vintage Ontario decoy: any maker or species, pre-1975.
- Chauncey Wheeler hunting decoy: any style or species that was designed for hunting use.
- Photos from the 2023 TIDCA decoy contest. The first three photos show the entries in each of the categories. The fourth photo shows the first places winners in each category. Left to Right: Bonnie Norton who won two categories with a Dodge factory goose and a hen goldeneye by D.K. Nichol, Smiths Falls, Ontario, and Steve Turcotte with a Chauncey Wheeler brant from the ‘WFB’ rig.
2022 TIDCA Display: Decoys and Carvings by Edward J. Sweet
- Photos of the Ed Sweet display. The fifth photo shows Glen Sweet, Ed’s grandson, standing behind part of the display. A document showing the photos and text used in the display, and the decoys and other carvings used, can be opened by clicking on the link to the left of the header at the top of this box.
- Vintage broadbill or bluebill decoy: pre-1970, any maker, style, or area.
- Decoy by a Gananoque, Ontario, maker: any area maker, species, style, or vintage.
- Ken Harris vintage diving duck decoy: pre-1970, any style or species of diving duck.
- Photos from the 2022 TIDCA decoy contest. The first three photos show the entries in each of the categories. The fourth photo shows the first places winners in each category. Left to Right: Eric Pitman with a pair of Ken Harris redheads, Andy Maliszewski with a Frank Coombs hen broadbill, and Tom Eckert with a hen canvasback by Ray Andress from Gananoque, ON.
2020 & 2021 Clayton shows cancelled due to the corona virus pandemic.
2019 TIDCA Display: TI Black Ducks & Mallards
- Kingston and Wolfe Island, Ontario: pre 1980, any species or maker
- Goose or Brant: pre 1980; any species, maker or style
- Favorite vintage decoy: pre 1960, any species, maker or style
- Photos from the 2019 TIDCA contest with photos one through three showing the first, second and third place winning entries in each of the categories. The fourth photo shows the first places winners (L to R): Eric Pitman with a Ward brothers black duck, Rob Ward with a Rupert Davis black duck, and Tom Eckert with a Chauncey Wheeler brant.
2018 TIDCA Display: Decoys and Carvings of Agustus A. Rogers
2018 TIDCA Contest
- Broadbill decoy made before 1960, any maker or style
- Canvasback decoy made before 1960, any maker or style
- Teal decoy made before 1960, any species of teal and any maker or style
- Photos from the 2018 TIDCA contest showing the first, second and third place winning entries in each of the three categories.
2017 TIDCA Display: Favorite Decoys – Collection of Preston Lowe
- Goldeneye decoy made before 1960, any maker or style
- Redhead decoy made before 1960, any maker or style
- Merganser decoy made before 1960, any species of merganser and any maker or style
- Photos from the 2017 TIDCA contest showing the first, second and third place winners plus some of the other entries in the goldeneye, merganser, and redhead categories. The fourth photo shows Tim Sieger, who won first place in all three categories; congratulations Tim! Tim’s winning entries included a Squires rig red-breasted merganser, a Will Hall goldeneye, and a Markham rig redhead.
2016 TIDCA Display: Frank Coombs and the Alex Bay Longnecks
2016 TIDCA Contest
- 3 black ducks by 3 different makers
- Broadbill from Lake Ontario or the St. Lawrence River
- Puddle duck other than black duck from Lake Ontario or the St. Lawrence
- Photos from the 2016 TIDCA contest: judges Joe Engers, Larry Lunman, and Dick Hollis shown at top left; and the first (blue), second (red), and third place (yellow) winners in each of the three contest categories: black duck category winners (top right); broadbill category winners (bottom left); and puddle duck category winners (bottom right).
2015 TIDCA Display: canvasback decoy from the Thousand Islands
- Factory decoy made before 1960
- Upstate New York black duck made before 1960
- Decoy from Prince Edward County, Ontario, made before 1960

2014 TIDCA Display: goldeneye decoys from the Thousand Islands
2014: TIDCA Contest:
- Song bird carving, any maker or vintage
- Lake Ontario/St. Lawrence River black duck by a Canadian carver made before 1960
- Any puddle duck by Ken Harris, Watertown, Woodville, NY

2013 TIDCA Display: lesser known carvers of the Thousand Islands
2013: TIDCA Contest:
- Black duck by the Nichol family, Smiths Falls, Ontario
- Lake Ontario/St. Lawrence River drake redhead or drake canvasback carved before 1960
- Favorite wildlife carving or decoy; any species, vintage, or style
2009: decoys by the Nichol family, Smiths Falls, Ontario2008: decoys by the Stevens brothers, Weedsport
2007: decoys, carvings, and paintings by Leo McIntosh, Woodville and Adams Center
2006: decoys by Sam Denny, Clayton
2005: decoys by Chauncey Wheeler, Alexandria Bay
2004: goldeneye decoys from the Thousand Islands
2003: redhead decoys from the Thousand Islands
2002: canvasback decoys from the Thousand Islands
2001: broadbill decoys from the Thousand Islands