Traditional Shore Dinner History Boat Tour & Book Signing

This tour will take us for a one hour boat ride on the beautiful St. Lawrence as we head for Morgan Island where we will be met by a local fishing guide. He will be serving us a ‘Traditional Shore Dinner’ something that fishing guides have done in this area for over 150 years. When President Grant visited George Pullman one of the things he did was enjoy this meal. Fron the appetizer to the dessert, everything is delicious. Traditionally you would fish with a guide and then head for an island where he would prepare a meal using your catch of the day. Our guide does the fishing for us, last year serving us walleye and perch, two of the best tasting fish in the river. We will be leaving for Morgan Island at 4:30 due to the length of the boat ride. There is a fully licensed bar on the boat. Cost of the ticket which includes the boat trip plus the dinner is $90.00 per person. A wonderful addition to this tour is the fact that award winning author, Susan G. Mathis will be joining us to experience her first traditional shore dinner. She will be doing a book signing on the boat for her latest book, just released in July. The book, Libby’s Lighthouse is set at Tibbett’s Point Lighthouse and is the first in her Lighthouse series of books.


Aug 07 2024


4:30 am - 8:00 pm
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